Forum > SmartTimes (Europe)

SmartTimes 2015 Hungary - Budapest


List of those attending:

There seems to be flashmob dance event incoming...

Maybe there is someone who can help me, who was on previous ST...

How does the participation on specific events work, like excursions, lap around the circuit, etc.? do you have to sign up or just be there?

Are there entry fees on certain event?

There seems to be no specific info about the events other then the time and place.

I have seen a line regarding disability parking that you check in for parking at the event registration, but on the official page it only ask if I will attend (arrival/departure) and if I will participate in the parade, and nothing else...

How do these thing work? it seems like we are left in the dark.... or I'm just incapable of finding someting on the web   :o

BTW who is going to Budapest? :)

See the first post...only 2 name's that we know of so far..
Regretably no ForFour from the it is quite a drive
and few if any have enough vacation/holiday time left to
sapre to undertake the journey after they have used most
of what time they had/have with their family/families.

Maybe kanapa or little911-er will be able to help you
with where there are more details of the ST (SmartTimes) in Hungary.


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